Today we are talking about how to choose a perfect coffee table for your room. Most of the times picking a coffee table is just an afterthought, more often we are focused on big ticket items like seating furniture ,and quite understandably those pieces are pricey and need to meet certain needs . In reality coffee table is as important as our sofa ,let’s face it without even noticing it serves a multitude of purposes in our home. From place where we put our drinks to an occasional takeout dinner table at the end of a long day, where are kids craft, and with such large, diverse job in my opinion needs a special attention.
What comes in mind is then what size and shape should we choose, well that depends on which seating arrangement do you currently have in your living room.
First up ;some rules that will help you determine what you need to know before you select a table.
Your coffee table should be at least half the length of your sofa and be at least as high as your sofa seat give or take a few inches
You should have some room between sofa and a coffee table 14”/18”
Once we figure out the size it’s good to think about shape of the table as they come in many. Rectangular and oval tables can be used in a combination depending what kind a design flow you are looking for, and same goes for round and square.
Wheather you decide to have square or round keep these two rules in mind when buying and you will be fine, below you will find some graphics that are helpful and a board with some tables options that we recommend.
Some ideas when shopping that might be useful to you
Here are links to further information on our choices
1 item/downtown-tables