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Start your year fresh with top ten interior design tips that will insPire you

I hope that you’ve had a wonderful holidays and settled back in to your regular routine.

We here at Attitude Design had to return quickly working full force on multiple large projects

We’ve gathered our ten most popular tips to refresh your home for the new year. I hope that you will find them helpful, if you have any questions you know where to find us !

Cheers ,Tatiana

  • Rearrange your shelf decor periodically, you’d be surprised how much impact that can have on the space . Also get rid of unnecessary items that don’t hold any special meaning or fit your current design style in the space.

  • Invest in some new throw pillows for the rooms for an easy refresh.

  • A fresh new coat of wall paint is the most impactful and the least expensive way to upgrade the look of room.

  • Add a nice blanket, swoop it over the sofa arm or the armchair back for a cozy warm look.

  • Does your kitchen look a bit drab? No worries get some new door hardware for an easy upgrade

  • Here is another easy one, when decorating your bathroom use matching towels for unified look.

  • Keep your kitchen counter clutter free, get utensil jars and matching spice jars along with some nice fruit baskets. Make it intentional, create an ensemble of these items .

  • A nice new set bed sheets along with some throw pillows can add to the bedroom decor this can transform your bedroom for with a investment.

  • I saved the best for last, this to me is by far the most important. When purchasing the main furniture pieces such as bed, sofa, or dining furnishings get the best of the best that your budget can allow. These pieces are going to be used the most and should be able to sustain wear and tear for quite some time. Other smaller filler pieces can be then bargain pieces .